USP&E Secures Expansive Inventory and New Gas Turbines Sale

Gas Turbines are used to generate large scale power generation and energy production. Gas turbines are responsible for the production of a vast majority of power to any major grid that exists throughout the entire globe. There exists a variety of different kinds of turbines, which includes steam turbines that are used at coal-burning electricity plants and also liquid water turbines that are used at hydro-electric plants. Turbines are versatile and there is a multitude of ways that they can be utilised. Furthermore, there also exists gas turbines that utilise natural gas, or diesel fuel is utilised for use in locations that are more remote or where it is required for a large backup power supply.

gas turbines
New Gas Turbines Sale at USP&E

Burning coal and natural gas are what is utilised by most turbines to result in energy to be produced. The heat that is produced from combustion that occurs is then used to heat water that is found in the boiler. This liquid water is then converted to steam upon heating and from there is exhausted through a pipe which feeds the steam to the turbine. From there the pressurised steam flow then imparts energy on the blades and shaft of the turbine and this causes it to rotate. Then a generator coverts the rotational machinery into power. After the steam exits the turbine it is then fed to a cooling tower in which the steam is cooled and is then reverted back to water.

About USP&E and New Gas Turbines Sale

USP&E is a company that takes pride in exceeding our customers’ expectations. We don’t only supply new gas turbines, but we are also able to provide operation and maintenance services for years to come.

“We are a client of USP&E Global with project totalling over 150 MW and are very pleased with USP&E, their staff, their global reach and operations and maintenance capabilities. We would highly recommend USP&E to anyone looking for world class services and capabilities in emerging markets.” – Jurgen Volling, P. Engineer, JV Energy Services Ltd.

We look forward to working with you on your next project. Please ensure that you Contact Us so that we can serve you by discussing with you in detail your application and then we can prepare a quote for your review. WE thank you for your interest in our new gas turbines. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of further assistance.